Thursday, June 18, 2009

Something unreal.

Though this isn't exactly what the theremin I'm constructing will do...this video is out of this world.

Construction has begun!

So, construction has officially begun. Here is the first image. In this picture we have the mounts for the vacuum tubes that will be used in the construction mounted on an old clipboard.

Couple more awesome videos.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Crazy! In theremin form.

Legend of Zelda

A little history!

A theremin is an electronic musical instrument controlled by the proximity of the player's hands to two external antennas. Invented by the Russian physicist Leon Theremin in 1919, while conducting research in proximity sensors, the theremin marked the beginning of electronic music ("Theremin"). The player's proximity to one antennae controls the frequency of the emitted pitch while the proximity of the other hand controls the volume. To produce a signal the theremin implements the heterodyne principle, which in radio and signal processing is generating new frequencies by mixing or multiplying two oscillating waveforms ("Hetrodyne"). The circuitry of the instrument consists of two radio frequency oscillators with one oscillating at a set frequency. The second frequency is controlled by the player's distance from the pitch controlling antennae. In this circuit the hand of the performer acts as the grounded plate in a variable capacitor of an LC circuit. It is the difference in the frequency between the preset oscillator and the position of the player's hand that allows for the creation of sounds in the audible range of frequencies (20 - 20,000Hz) ("Theremin - GHN"). This signal is then passed to a loudspeaker. For the control volume of the theremin the same variable capacitor circuit is set up with the player's hand detuning the second oscillator which effects the amplification circuit ("Theremin - GHN").

"Theremin." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 June 2009.

"Heterodyne." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 June 2009.

"Theremin - GHN." Main Page - GHN. N.p., 2 Sept. 2008. Web. 16 June 2009.